Showing 16 Result(s)

Custom Magento admin URL

To protect your Magento backend against hackers and brute-force attacks, it’s often recommended that you change the default URL of the Magento Admin Panel. Follow these steps to change the admin URL/path: Step 1 – Change Path Open the local.xml configuration file. The file is usually located in the app/etc/ directory under your Magento installation. …

Magento – add CSS / JS per category or CMS page

Here’s a very simple solution to adding custom CSS or JS to a specific category or CMS page . The example below shows how to add a reference to a custom CSS file, let’s name it custom.css and assume that we’ve copied it in /skin/frontend/default/your_theme/css. The CSS file inside would look something like (just an example): .category-description { …

Magento – set product price per customer

To set a custom price for only for some of your Magento customers you have two ways of doing it. Both methods rely on creating a customer group. Go to Admin – Customer – Customer Groups then Add New Customer Group. Go to Customers – Manage Customers and manage the customers you want to add to the new group. Now decide if …

Transfer Magento from one server to another

If you’re developing your store on a staging server and need to move to a different production environment or you’re simply changing hosting providers, here’s a quick step by step tutorial that will help: Step 1 – Create a database First, you need to create a new MySQL database for the new server location. Log …

Reset Magento admin password using MySQL

Here’s an easy way to reset an admin user password in Magento with the user of MySQL: – log into PHPMyadmin and click on the DB used by your Magento installation – find the admin_user table – change the email associated to your admin user to one that you can access – go to Magento …

Set up Magento discount per customer

1. Add a new customer’s group through the Magento backend area: Customers ->Customer Groups -> Add New Customer Group. 2. Set the discount for the newly created group through the Magento backend area: Promotions -> Catalog Price Rules -> Add New Rule. Using the Customer Groups field you can select the customer groups for which …

Magento: hide tax summary from cart/checkout

Magento displays tax summary in cart and checkout by default: You may not always want this to show and there is a simple method of hiding the tax section in cart by making the following changes: – go to /app/design/frontend/base/default/template/tax/checkout/tax.phtml – copy this template file to your theme folder eg. /app/design/frontend/default/customtheme/template/tax/checkout/tax.phtml – uncomment the following code …

E-commerce VAT setup explained

The following is relevant for a VAT registered UK company who is shipping worlwide: – VAT is only charged within the EU – Customers outside EU are not charged any VAT (consumer and business) – VAT is charged at the UK rate (origin from where the goods are shipped not destination. If you ship to Italy, UK …